Reggae Gay Truckers

I'm 6'4" tall, athletic build, attractive with GSOH. Kinky. Great ass. Looking for an older gentleman or mm couple or small group who want to meet a slutty younger guy for hot action x

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Masc ginger daddy, laid back, always horny, love new adventures, confident, outgoing, exhibitionist... Love the outdoors, party, bb.. not into mud or blood. Luv uncut, blk/Latino are favs, but love a nice dick on all types of men! So hmu ask let's...

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Serious but know how to have fun at appropriate times. Looking to connect with guys while searching for the one. Getting older and hoping to find someone I can spend my last 50 years wiithout drama like the first 50.

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Older Bi w/m,5'7", 168lbs., have salt&pepper short, w/facialbody hair moderate, trimmed. Clean&disease free, no std's here. Fun&good time 2 B had bi all.

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