Gospel Gay Truckers

Discreet Single Black Bi Masc Dude who is looking for other Masc guys to hang with. For Friendship and possibly more! Into sports, the arts, travel, great conversation. Sexually very oral, passionate, mostly Top but would flip with the right guy...

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Love sex with truckers in the cab. Highly sexualized. Looking for romance if possible.

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I am a bi male 100% SUBMISSIVE bottom who injoy my lover deep inside me alot hand spank my ass rosyred then fuck me like like you own cuz you do own me

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Bi Formerly redheaded, horny, can go on for days sometimes, 53, clean shaven, light brown eyes, into adult activities including porn and the real thing. I have an open mind. Interested in what turns YOU on.

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Let's connect. Want a hot Latin or Mediterranean type is perfect but any hot-blooded, good looking American guy will be fine also

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I'm a bottom, but like oral too.love hairy men. Like fat cocks with a little length to it. Like to cuddle and make out.

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love hairy men that are showered and clean....hairy is not a must but it is hot

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