Movie Lover Gay Truckers

I'm 6'4" tall, athletic build, attractive with GSOH. Kinky. Great ass. Looking for an older gentleman or mm couple or small group who want to meet a slutty younger guy for hot action x

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I became an architect and practiced the profession in NYC, El Paso, & San Francisco. Lived in big cities to enjoy the acting & music theater; museums; restaurants; and exercise gyms easily found there. I retired and returned to where I began, Sioux...

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I'm biracial, I am looking for a friendship someone who is heavy set or a few extra pounds.

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Looking too hook up with hairy hung truckers in your rig or hotel room. I am not a paying member so I can not send read messages. If you are interested in meeting send a seperate way contact you.

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; Petit bottom only CD who loves nothing more than to please older men and black man like I was born to do. I love the taste of cum and I cannot get enough of it .Truck drivers have always been one of my favorite fantasies, nothing sounds sexier than...

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